

SuperDog Mission: Find Yer Blog!

I am suspending all my death-defying SuperDog program
so I can concentrate on this important mission.

To do this
I need to know
some important things:

1. Why?

Don't ask Sun-God.
Don't ask Moon-God as well.
Come to think of it, don't ask God at all.
God will only ask you back "who needs an IT life?"
. . . and you will surely be back where you started.

2. Who?

Don't ask who as well.
People hate barking dogs.
People hate dogs who blogs.
People hate dogs with a social life.
I tell you, you have ENEMIES
and ANYONE of Them has Reasons
to have you removed!

3. Now what?

You just can't scratch your ears like that.
You can't wear your drool kerchief
instead of your SuperDog outfit.
Er, you do have a SuperDog outfit?
Get one and get to work!